Filed under USAgain

The Grass is Greener on Super Bowl Sunday

Environmental Footprint Makes Game Day History From must-watch commercials to copious amounts of tortilla chips, the Super Bowl is nearly synonymous with consumption and profits. Last year, spending in the United States on Super Bowl-related merchandise, apparel and snacks was an anticipated $14.3 billion, or an average of $77.88 per consumer. Advertisers spent $4.5 million … Continue reading

Brilliant Closet Lifehacks

Reclaim your closet no matter how tight or tiny it is. Get the most out of your space and uncover the closet of your dreams with these brilliant closet lifehacks that will maximize every inch of your wardrobe space.  1. Before you begin your closet makeover, survey what you’ve got in stock. Start by taking everything … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning Happiness

Spring Cleaning Happiness

Dusting the winter cobwebs away doesn’t have to be a dirty game. In addition to sprucing up your space, spring cleaning can add lightness to your life by clearing your mind and helping you establish fresh habits all year round. After all, once you’ve gone through the effort to whip your rooms and closets into … Continue reading

Season’s Greenings

Season’s Greenings

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, household waste increases by more than 25 percent, and this extra trash — mostly food, shopping bags, product packaging and wrapping paper — adds up to an additional 1 million tons of waste a week that’s sent to U.S. landfills, according to the EPA.