Green Halloween tips

In less than a week, ghouls and goblins will be haunting us again. When it comes to Halloween, the real scary part is not the fake blood or the Freddy mask. It’s the environmental damage that costumes once trashed can inflict on the environment.

“Last year, Americans spent $2 billion on Halloween costumes and swapping only half of children’s costumes normally discarded would reduce annual landfill waste by 6,250 tons,” according to the U.S. Census Bureau and Department of Transportation.

So what can trick or treaters do? USAgain offers these simple tips for a responsible Green Halloween.

1.       Buy used. It’s good for the planet, and it’s good for your wallet.  You’d be surprised what you can find in a neighborhood thrift shop.

2.       Swap.  Find neighbors and classmates your size and trade costumes from years past.

3.       Use junk. Get creative with stuff lying around your home. (Check out this easy DIY costumes link.)

4.       Go natural. Stay away from those one-time use synthetic costumes from the drugstore.  Try using natural fibers for fashioning your witches robes and wizard capes that can be used again.

5.       Recycle. Don’t toss your costume in the trash.  Rather, drop it in one of USAgain’s local clothing collection bins so it can be reused or recycled.

Have a Happy Green Halloween!

Stay tuned for more from USAgain!

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