Clean Up the World weekend’s impact on textile production

clean up the world logoCleaning up the entire world sounds like a daunting task, but every Sept., 35 million people in 130 countries put in work toward cleaning the world as a part of the United Nations’ Clean Up the World program.

Clean Up the World weekend is similar to Earth Day, as businesses, schools, governments and individuals come together to make an environmental impact through service. Typical Clean Up the World activities include tree planting, recycling drives, education and outreach seminars, and water conservation events. The Clean Up the World team exists to support and promote local groups hosting activities from Sept. 20-22 of this year, the designated weekend for this year’s campaign.

Clean Up the World’s slogan, “Our place, our planet, our responsibility,” is one that can be applied universally. Every aspect of modern life has an environmental impact, whether it’s the transportation we use to get to work or the resources used once we get there. The impact of our everyday actions is easy to ignore, but as stewards of the planet, it never should be.

The textile industry’s environmental footprint is not a small one. Producing, transporting and improperly disposing of clothing has a major negative impact on the planet.

The textile industry is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. According to the World Bank, textile dyeing is responsible for nearly 20 percent of all industrial water pollution. The apparel and textile industry accounts for roughly 10 percent of the planet’s total carbon impact and textile waste accounts for around 5 percent of landfilled waste in the U.S.

Clean Up the World weekend is a useful time for everyone to examine the environmental impact of their lives and spend time doing work to negate any adverse impact. To join the campaign and have your event placed on the Clean Up the World map, join the program and register on the event website.

Community-oriented environmental events like Clean Up the World weekend are the most effective way to do good for the environment on a small scale. No one person or organization can solve all the problems facing our planet, but like-minded communities working toward a common goal are a great way to start.

Check out Clean Up the World on Twitter and Facebook.

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